Hardest English Words to Pronounce

There are lots of hard English words to pronounce and students find them quite difficult for them to pronounce correctly. It is quite essential for students to understand that hard English words exist and the spellings may not match the pronunciation the way they want them to pronounce.
It is therefore quite challenging for students to understand how they can pronounce those words in a comfortable manner. Students need to understand that English is a language which does not work like any other language but it has certain rules and regulations that students need to follow.
There are many words that have no rules but just because they have cultural connotations, they are pronounced in different ways. Therefore, some words need to be memorized as they are pronounced correctly and that is what is going to be the way for students.
Practice is essentially the most important factor here when it comes to pronouncing the words correctly. You will be learning 50 hardest English words to pronounce correctly in this article and that will help you to feel more confident as to how you can pronounce various difficult words in English. But remember, you need to practice them in real-life conversations in order to improve your English. To practice spoken English with real people, you must download the AceFluency App where you get 20 minutes of calling talk time to connect 1:1 with co-learners every day.

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Tips to Pronounce hard Words in English
There are lots of tips that are going to be essential for you and blow are some of the tips that can help you to pronounce words correctly:
- Listening and repeating
It is imperative for you to listen to English speakers and analyse their way of speaking. Once you start becoming careful about how certain English words are pronounced, it will help you to improve your pronunciation.
- Taking the help of phonetic transcriptions
You can take the help of phonetic transcriptions as they are going to be great for you to understand how English words are pronounced correctly and for that thing, you need to understand pronunciation symbols.
Check: Improve Your English Learning Skills.
- Looking after stress and intonation
Once you understand how English words are stressed in different words, it will be easy for you to understand how certain words can be pronounced in a better way.
- Be attentive and practice pronunciation
You need to be attentive whether you are making mistakes in pronunciation or not and you also need to practice pronouncing certain words correctly when you know that you are making mistakes in pronunciation.
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- Using online resources
There are many online dictionaries these days which you can find on Google and they will be able to help you pronounce any particular word correctly. You can go through the websites of Oxford and Cambridge and you can listen to the audio part of any word which will help you to notice the correct pronunciation of the words and this is a great way of learning correct pronunciation.
Even the words given below in the list can be checked online in the audio formats to understand how they are pronounced correctly if you have problems understanding phonetic symbols.
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50 hardest English words to pronounce (with explanation)
Below is a list of 50 hardest English words with correct pronunciation and meaning. You will be able to learn how you can pronounce them correctly and it will help you to be better. Let’s start one by one:
- Penultimate
Pronunciation: /pɪˈnʌltɪmət/
Meaning: Second to last in a series.
Pronunciation difficulty: The stress is available on the first syllable and its combination is unique therefore, it becomes difficult to pronounce.
- Asthma
Pronunciation: /ˈæz.mə/
Meaning: Respiratory condition
Pronunciation difficulty: Some people may find the “th” sound challenging and once its pronunciation is known, it will be easy to pronounce.
- Almond
Pronunciation: /ˈɑː.mənd/
Meaning: Nut with edible kernel.
Pronunciation difficulty: “l” sound may be tricky since it is silent here.
- Subtle
Pronunciation: /ˈsʌt.əl/
Meaning: Not obvious
Pronunciation difficulty: Here, the letter “b” is silent and it can be challenging for learners.
Pronunciation: /dʒɪf/
Meaning: File format for images.
Pronunciation difficulty: Normally, it is pronounced with a soft “g” which can be confusing.
- Acai
Pronunciation: /əˌsaɪˈiː/
Meaning: Small, dark purple berry
Pronunciation difficulty: It has an unfamiliar phonetic structure and stress pattern for English speakers.
- Gnocchi
Pronunciation: /ˈnjɒki/
Meaning: Italian dumplings
Pronunciation difficulty: It has an unusual combination of consonants and silent letters.
- Fuchsia
Pronunciation: /ˈfjuːʃə/
Meaning: Vivid purplish-red color or a flowering plant.
Pronunciation difficulty: It has uncommon phonetic patterns and silent letters may be challenging.
- Connoisseur
Pronunciation: /ˌkɒn.əˈsɜːr/
Meaning: Expert in art, food, or drink.
Pronunciation difficulty: It has complex consonant clusters and stress patterns.
- Pharaoh
Pronunciation: /ˈfeərəʊ/
Meaning: Ancient Egyptian ruler.
Pronunciation difficulty: It has an uncommon combination of sounds.
- Quixotic
Pronunciation: /kwɪkˈsɒtɪk/
Meaning: Unrealistically idealistic.
Pronunciation difficulty: It has uncommon pronunciation and the presence of the “x” sound can seem difficult.
- Niche
Pronunciation: /niːʃ/
Meaning: A comfortable position.
Pronunciation difficulty: It has a silent “ch” which may be unexpected for some speakers.
- Cinnamon
Pronunciation: /ˈsɪnəmən/
Meaning: Spice made from tree bark.
Pronunciation difficulty: It has double consonants and unstressed syllables may be challenging.
- Paradigm
Pronunciation: /ˈpær.ə.daɪm/
Meaning: A typical example
Pronunciation difficulty: The final “gm” sound can be difficult for some speakers.
- Ophthalmologist
Pronunciation: /ˌɒfθælˈmɒlədʒɪst/
Meaning: Eye doctor
Pronunciation difficulty: It has the presence of multiple consonant clusters which makes it difficult to pronounce correctly.
- Bouquet
Pronunciation: /buːˈkeɪ/
Meaning: Bunch of flowers.
Pronunciation difficulty: The “ou” sound may vary in different accents.
- Worcestershire
Pronunciation: /ˈwʊstərʃə(r)/
Meaning: County in England
Pronunciation difficulty: It is uncommon, especially for non-native speakers, so it becomes difficult to pronounce correctly.
- Anemone
Pronunciation: /əˈneməni/
Meaning: Flower with showy blossoms.
Pronunciation difficulty: It has an uncommon stress pattern and the silent “e” at the end may be challenging for learners.
- Colonel
Pronunciation: /ˈkɜː.nəl/
Meaning: Military rank.
Pronunciation difficulty: It has unusual spelling compared to pronunciation which can create confusion.
- Epitome
Pronunciation: /ɪˈpɪt.ə.mi/
Meaning: Perfect example of something.
Pronunciation difficulty: It has an uncommon stress pattern and the final “e” sound may be surprising.
- Onomatopoeia
Pronunciation: /ˌɒn.əʊˌmæt.əˈpiː.ə/
Meaning: Words imitating sounds
Pronunciation difficulty: It has a complex phonetic structure which further becomes difficult by the presence of multiple vowels and consonants.
- Pseudonym
Pronunciation: /ˈsjuːdəʊnɪm/
Meaning: Fictitious name
Pronunciation difficulty: It has uncommon pronunciation of “pseud” and the silent “p”.
- Quinoa
Pronunciation: /ˈkiːnwɑː/
Meaning: Grain from South America.
Pronunciation difficulty: It has an unfamiliar phonetic structure and the presence of a unique vowel may be challenging.
- Chiaroscuro
Pronunciation: /kiːˌɑːrəˈskjʊərəʊ/
Meaning: Use of light and shade in art.
Pronunciation difficulty: The presence of multiple vowel clusters and consonants makes it difficult.
- Draught
Pronunciation: /drɑːft/
Meaning: Current of air or a drink.
Pronunciation difficulty: The spellings may completely make the learners confused to get the right pronunciation.
- Entrepreneur
Pronunciation: /ˌɒn.trə.prəˈnɜːr/
Meaning: Business organizer.
Pronunciation difficulty: The presence of multiple consonant clusters may be quite challenging.
- Synecdoche
Pronunciation: /sɪˈnek.də.ki/
Meaning: A figure of speech
Pronunciation difficulty: It has the presence of multiple consonant clusters.
- Labyrinth
Pronunciation: /ˈlæb.ɪr.ɪnθ/
Meaning: Complex maze-like structure.
Pronunciation difficulty: It has an uncommon stress pattern and the final “th” sound may be challenging.
- Phlegm
Pronunciation: /flem/
Meaning: Thick mucus from respiratory passages
Pronunciation difficulty: The silent “g” may be difficult for learners.
- Ecclesiastical
Pronunciation: /ɪˌkliːziˈæstɪkl/
Meaning: Related to the Christian Church.
Pronunciation difficulty: There’s the presence of multiple consonant clusters in the word.
- Entrepreneurial
Pronunciation: /ˌɒn.trə.prəˈnɜːriəl/
Meaning: Possessing entrepreneurial characteristics.
Pronunciation difficulty: It has consonant clusters and may be challenging for learners.
- Colloquial
Pronunciation: /kəˈləʊ.kwi.əl/
Meaning: Informal language used in ordinary conversation or writing.
Pronunciation difficulty: It has an uncommon stress pattern and the presence of multiple vowel sounds.
- Isthmus
Pronunciation: /ˈɪs.məs/
Meaning: Narrow strip of land
Pronunciation difficulty: The unusual combination of consonants may look difficult.
- Zephyr
Pronunciation: /ˈzef.ər/
Meaning: Gentle, mild breeze.
Pronunciation difficulty: The presence of the “ph” sound may make learners confused.
- Pronunciation
Pronunciation: /prəˌnʌnsɪˈeɪʃn/
Meaning: The way a word is pronounced.
Pronunciation difficulty: The presence of “s” and “sh” sounds may make learners confused.
- Gastronomy
Pronunciation: /ɡæˈstrɒn.ə.mi/
Meaning: Art of good eating
Pronunciation difficulty: The presence of multiple vowel sounds may be difficult for learners.
- Rendezvous
Pronunciation: /ˈrɒn.deɪ.vuː/
Meaning: Meeting
Pronunciation difficulty: The presence of silent letters may be challenging.
- Gauche
Pronunciation: /ɡəʊʃ/
Meaning: Lacking ease or grace
Pronunciation difficulty: It has an uncommon pronunciation of “gau” and the final “che” sound may look difficult.
- Chutzpah
Pronunciation: /ˈxʊtspə/
Meaning: Audacity; boldness.
Pronunciation difficulty: The presence of the “ch” sound may be challenging.
- Paraphernalia
Pronunciation: /ˌpær.ə.fəˈneɪ.li.ə/
Meaning: Miscellaneous articles
Pronunciation difficulty: The presence of multiple syllables may pose challenges.
- Schadenfreude
Pronunciation: /ˈʃɑː.dənˌfrɔɪ.də/
Meaning: Pleasure derived from others’ misfortune.
Pronunciation difficulty: It’s an uncommon loanword from German, hence it may be challenging.
- Forte
Pronunciation: /ˈfɔː.teɪ/
Meaning: A strong ability
Pronunciation difficulty: It becomes difficult for students because the “e” letter is pronounced at last.
- Cacophony
Pronunciation: /kəˈkɒf.ə.ni/
Meaning: Harsh, discordant sounds.
Pronunciation difficulty: It has an uncommon stress pattern and the presence of multiple vowel sounds.
- Grandiose
Pronunciation: /ˈɡrændiˌoʊs/
Meaning: Impressive, imposing.
Pronunciation difficulty: It has an uncommon stress pattern and the presence of multiple vowel sounds.
- Plumber
Pronunciation: /ˈplʌmə/
Meaning: A person who fits and repairs the pipes
Pronunciation difficulty: The letter “b” is silent and this is what becomes challenging.
- Comb
Pronunciation: /kəʊm/
Meaning: A strip of plastic, metal, or wood with a row of narrow teeth
Pronunciation difficulty: The letter “b” is silent and it is one of the most mispronounced words among speakers of the English language.
- Hemorrhage
Pronunciation: /ˈhemərɪdʒ/
Meaning: Escape of blood from a ruptured blood vessel.
Pronunciation difficulty: It has the presence of multiple consonant clusters.
- Ennui
Pronunciation: /ɑːnˈwiː/
Meaning: Feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction.
Pronunciation difficulty: It has letter “e” in starting which is pronounced differently and it may be unexpected for some learners.
- Writhe
Pronunciation: /raɪð/
Meaning: Make twisting movements.
Pronunciation difficulty: It has the presence of the silent letter “e” which may be challenging.
- Rapport
Pronunciation: /ræˈpɔːr/
Meaning: Harmonious relationship
Pronunciation difficulty: The presence of the silent “t” may be challenging.
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Pronouncing the hardest English words correctly can definitely take time but it will give you the satisfaction of learning English in a better way. You need to understand that if you want to master the English language in all modules including pronunciation, you will have to learn the hardest words and you should know how they are pronounced correctly. Don’t just learn, practice pronouncing these words every day. Practice English every day for FREE on the AceFluency App. Once you do this, you will feel the difference in your level of English.