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7 Things You Need to Avoid While Learning English

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things need to avoid while learning english language

Learning English can certainly be challenging but when it comes to learning it properly, there are a few things that all learners of the English language should always try to avoid. Here in this particular article, we will mention 7 things that you need to avoid while learning English and these 7 things will help you deeply understand this particular language.

If English is understood properly like any other language, many mistakes can be avoided and this particular language can be learnt smoothly. Many students start thinking about this language as something which is special and they try to give it more importance over other languages.

Students should take this particular language in as normal way as any other language and consider this language to be a language of communication in which two people engage in a meaningful conversation. Students should aim to practice English every day and improve their English. Consistent practice can help them improve English quickly. On the AceFluency App, students can get 20 minutes of FREE calling talk time daily to practice English with real people.

7 Things You Need to Avoid While Learning English

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Common Mistakes People Make While Learning English

As far as common mistakes by people in the English language are concerned, they can be related to pronunciation, grammar, and other things. Many English learners have the zeal to learn this particular language in a great manner but because of a lack of confidence, they are not able to learn it properly.

People think that this particular language is a different one and they start overhyping. If this mindset can be changed fast, learning this language will become quite easier with time. We will mention many different things below which can be avoided and the process of learning English can be made easier.

Things you need to avoid while learning English

Following the right ways and going through them on a regular basis will definitely help any student learn the English language in an easy manner.

Although lots of things are vital that need to be kept in mind but here is a list of all those things that all students must keep in mind and avoid them in order to make sure that they are on the right track while learning the English language.

1. Neglecting regular practice

Many students think that they can learn English by practicing on and off but this is not going to be the case in a practical way. Students need to make sure that they learn the English language by practicing it on a regular basis. They can’t practice for 3 days in a week and stay out of practice for the next 3.

It’s crucial for them to become consistent with the practice and they should try to find weak areas where they can work in a better way and practice accordingly to become better and better on a regular basis.

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2. Depending on basic vocabulary

Although basic vocabulary is definitely going to be a great foundation for learning English for all students but depending on basic vocabulary is not going to be the solution at all for speaking great English.

If students want to speak great English, they need to go through some intermediate and advanced level vocabulary as well. They need to learn idioms and phrasal verbs which can really enhance their English and take their English to a high level.

Understanding different forms of vocabulary such as one-word substitution as well as synonyms and antonyms will definitely add a great boost to their vocabulary and their level of English will become much better.

3. Procrastinating in completing daily activities

Lots of daily activities happen as per the field but there are some daily activities that need to be done as far as learning the English language quickly is concerned.

If you want to learn English very soon, you will have to go through daily activities that you get involved in so that you may improve your English soon. The activities for you to improve your English may involve speaking on various topics in different ways.

Sometimes you may speak by going through the points and keeping the keywords in mind while other times, you can also speak by impromptu speaking which is related to speaking on any topic without preparing in advance.

In the same way, you can also speak on some argumentative topics and they will be able to give you the reasoning to speak by favoring one point of view.

4. Ignoring basic grammar

It is always said by many that English grammar is not going to be the thing that students should learn but it is quite necessary for you to learn English grammar especially the basic ones.

If your tenses, passive voice and modals are good, they will definitely help you to speak good English. You will be able to improve your English whether in spoken form or written form in a great way after having a good command of basic grammar.

Many speakers know how to speak English confidently but they have a habit of making common grammatical mistakes and those things can easily be avoided by learning basic grammar and implementing them as soon as possible.

5. Ignoring other modules apart from speaking

Speaking is definitely going to be a great practice but you should not forget the importance of other modules of learning a particular language.

You should give importance to listening, reading as well as writing as these other modules will definitely help you to improve your English in a much better way. If you listen to different types of English, you will be able to understand how people in different areas pronounce a particular word.

You will also be able to understand how complex and simple sentences are made as per the situations.

Also, Check This: 51 Daily Used Common English-Speaking Sentences for Beginners

6. Not thinking about MTI issues

Many students may face MTI issues and if you are one of them, you may also think about it in a better way. If you have an MTA issue just because you belong to a particular region, you may try to work on that.

You may sound different when you speak the English language and it is important for you to sound neutral which does not give any MTI-related sound in your English. You should think about avoiding MTA issues in case you face them and that you can do only by regular practice and trying to work on them.

7. Not finding ways to speak English

You may be one of the students who may have the habit of speaking whenever given the opportunity but not finding ways to practice English speaking on a regular basis. You should always find some excuses where you can give yourself some practice by speaking English in different situations.

If you are standing with your friends and you know that your friends do have knowledge of English, you should not miss that opportunity to speak the English language there. In the same way, if you are meeting some professionals, try to talk to them in English if they feel comfortable with the situation. The basic thing is to understand the situation and take out some excuses to speak English just to make it as better as possible.

Check This: How to Improve English Listening Skills?

7 Things You Need to Avoid While Learning English


As all of the things have been mentioned to avoid while learning English, it is imperative for students to follow them to make sure that they are in the right direction of learning English.

If you really think that you can learn to speak this language fast along with the given tips and tricks, you will have to make yourself regular with this particular language by thinking sincerely that one day you will definitely become a great speaker of this language.

You should work with a plan in such a way that you may be great in all the modules of English namely reading, writing, speaking and listening. Speaking can easily be mastered simply by practicing English every day which is FREE on the AceFluency App. On this app, you get 20 minutes of FREE calling practice talk time to connect 1:1 with real people.

Here's how AceFluency can help you improve your English

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